Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Christmas Gift

 This was a painting I did for someone for Christmas. I'm hesitant to put it up here because they haven't received it yet. I loved painting this! Full disclosure; this is my painting but not my design. The original design was painted by Heidi Harner....I think. Anyway, I loved the painting so much I created my own version. 

Davis House, 'Sconset

 Ahhh, well-loved and often painted. This old girl sits on the north bluff in Sconset, at the east end of the island. She is probably one of the most painted models out there. I have spent many a morning, afternoon, and evening sitting on that porch, staring out at the ocean, looking.....

The Crooked Door

 This was a fun version of my previous painting titled, "Damn Door". I clearly like painting red barns! This particular barn has one of the most spectacular settings in the NW corner. When you drive by it at sunrise you literally have to pull over in your car and stare. There is nothing like it!